


  • Donate Now

    Supporting communities with connection and action.

  • Caring Friends of Annauma

    We are asking you, as someone who lives in Nunavut, or who has previously lived in Nunavut, to give back to a place and people who have given you so much.

  • Caring North Campaign

    The $10 million Caring North Campaign is Annauma Community Foundation’s inaugural fundraising program to support community-led initiatives that directly impact and improve the lives of Inuit in Nunavut.

  • Community Stories

    From Grise Ford to Sanikiluaq, we’re proud to share a rich tapestry of stories that reflect Inuit culture, heritage, and community spirit.


About Annauma

Annauma is short for Annaumakkaijiit which is an Inuktitut (Inuit language) word meaning helping people to stay ahead.

Annauma Community Foundation is the first community foundation in Nunavut. Annauma was created to help harness the power of philanthropy to help Inuit stay ahead.


About Annauma

Annauma is short for Annaumakkaijiit which is an Inuktitut (Inuit language) word meaning helping people to stay ahead.

Annauma Community Foundation is the first community foundation in Nunavut. Annauma was created to help harness the power of philanthropy to help Inuit stay ahead.



About Nunavut

Nunavut is the largest territory  in Canada. It spans over 1.8 million square kilometres of land and has a population over 39,000, of which 84% are Inuit. 

When Nunavut was created in 1999 – as a result of the largest settled Indigenous land claim agreement in the world – the dream was for a unique territory where Inuit could thrive. 

Despite many advancements over the past few decades, today families in Nunavut still need support to meet the basics including housing and food, as well as to uphold the cultural identity and language that defines core self-worth and dignity.


About Nunavut

Nunavut is the largest territory  in Canada. It spans over 2 million square kilometres of land and has a population over 39,000, of which 84% are Inuit. 

When Nunavut was created in 1999 – as a result of the largest settled Indigenous land claim agreement in the world – the dream was for a unique territory where Inuit could thrive. 

Despite many advancements over the past few decades, today families in Nunavut still need support to meet the basics including housing and food, as well as to uphold the cultural identity and language that defines core self-worth and dignity.


What is a Community Foundation?

Community foundations are created to support local community needs, using donated funds from a wide variety of sources. Every community foundation selects their own areas of focus, and how the funds will be invested and distributed within the community.

In Annauma’s case, there are priority areas for initiatives that are led or driven by Inuit.

With your generous help, we will support community-led initiatives through positive and caring community-giving funds.


What is a Community Foundation?

Community foundations are created to support local community needs, using donated funds from a wide variety of sources. Every community foundation selects their own areas of focus, and how the funds will be invested and distributed within the community.

In Annauma’s case, there are priority areas for initiatives that are led or driven by Inuit.

With your generous help, we will support community-led initiatives through positive and caring community-giving funds.


Caring North Campaign

Annauma Community Foundation is launching the $10 million Caring North Campaign to support community-led initiatives that directly impact and improve the lives of Inuit in Nunavut.

Caring for each other
Annauma’s work is grounded in caring: caring for each other and caring for our Inuit culture and language that are a core part of our lives. Caring donors are our partners in this work. We look forward to engaging with donors who listen deeply, are open to new insights, and see this partnership as an opportunity to learn and support a unique approach to philanthropy.


The following principles inform how we will practice philanthropy:

  • Initiatives are led or driven by Inuit

  • Decisions are made by community

  • Donors support as caring partners

Guided by these principles, Annauma Community Foundation supports a wide range of charitable causes in the Canadian eastern Arctic.